Please submit your online application by 1/29/20.
A total of 20 attendees will be chosen.
What happens when I arrive at the event?
When you arrive you will sign in, and we will give you a card for note taking plus match choosing, a name badge, and a pen. Once everyone has arrived the host will explain how speed dating works and answer any questions you may have. Then the dating begins. Women will stay seated while men rotate after each three-minute date. After each date you should keep notes about the person you just met. At the end of the event, you will indicate on your card who you liked, turn in your card, and we will notify you by email if you have any matches!
How will I know I have a match?
Based on the card you turn in to us after the event, we will see if anyone you indicated you liked has also liked you back! If yes, we will email both of you each other's contact information.
How should I dress for this event?
Wear what you feel comfortable in, but don't forget that in speed dating first impressions count.
Should I prepare a list of questions to ask people?
It's a good idea to know what you want to learn about the person during your date. You can come up with questions based on what you are looking for. We will also include recommended questions on the card we provide you.
Is there a fee to attend?
No, this event is complimentary.
Will I receive a confirmation email prior to the event?
Yes, we will email you if your application has been chosen. We will also send a re-confirmation email 1 week before the event and another one a day before the event.
What if I cannot attend anymore?
Please send us an email at by 1/31/20 if you cannot attend. This gives us enough time to find additional daters to participate.
Will food be provided?
We will provide small bites and beverages.
Do people come to speed dating events alone?
We understand that coming to a singles event solo can be intimidating, but don?™t let that stop you. Approximately 90% of singles come speed dating events solo.
Do you guarantee I will get a match?
We cannot guarantee you will get a match.