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Driven by dreams & enthusiasm
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Summertime is here! Get a break from the heat with our Buy 1 Get 1 FREE offer on 3 of our best-selling cold drinks. Plum Juice, Laurel Blossom Green Tea & Plum Green Tea. For a limited time only. Act fast.
Cool off with our Buy 1 Get 1 FREE special on Chocolate Snow Flake Ice. Takeout only. Get this offer while it lasts.
夏日最快樂的事 就是一起吃雪花冰!沸點現推出巧克力雪花冰(黑色誘惑)買一送一活動。請勿錯過!本優惠只限外帶。
Introducing ALL HANDMADE, Macaron Ice Cream at $2.50 each ONLY at Irvine location.
Boiling Point Rowland Heights store soft opening on Monday 4/22/2013.
羅蘭崗分店即將於 4/22/2013 禮拜一 於鑽石廣場內 (1370 Fullerton Rd. #102, Rowland Heights, CA 91748) 開始試賣摟. 嶄新摩登的裝潢設計與您見面.
Upgrade your vermicelli or rice to instant ramen noodles for free with each hot soup you purchase. Dine-in only. Offer good while supplies last.
好消息, 沸點臭臭鍋即日起凡堂食任何湯鍋,隨鍋附贈的白飯或冬粉即可免費升級為沸點鍋麵。送完為止,敬請把握!限堂食,一鍋送一包。
Fixed Value Gift Cards are now available in-store for purchase: $10, $20, $25, $50, $100. Accepted at all U.S. Boiling Point locations. Not valid in Canada.
沸點正式推出龍年禮卡。各分店均可購買(加拿大除外)。五種金額可供選擇: $10, $20, $25, $50, $100。各分店均可使用(加拿大除外)。
Our Signature Savory Sauces now come in a set of 4 for $12. Mix and match 4 jars of your favorite sauces to receive a gift box. For a limited time only, while supplies last.
Thanks to all the people who came out to support our anniversary event at Richmond, Canada. Special thanks to our BPG team and all the hardworking employees!! Thanks to all!! Click to view images