Our new sauce focuses on big and bold flavors of chili peppers and fragrant garlic. Available 10/8 at any Southern California locations.
適溫拌炒完美融合鮮辣椒和大蒜,保留鮮香純味! 立刻到南加州分店試試桌上新辣椒醬, 品嘗美味的新火花!
Driven by dreams & enthusiasm
Our new sauce focuses on big and bold flavors of chili peppers and fragrant garlic. Available 10/8 at any Southern California locations.
適溫拌炒完美融合鮮辣椒和大蒜,保留鮮香純味! 立刻到南加州分店試試桌上新辣椒醬, 品嘗美味的新火花!